Hi, everyone!
Okay, so how many times over the past ten days have you written 2012 instead of 2013?
Oh, right. Me neither.
2013. 2013. 2013.
Something about that just seems wrong. No, I’m not superstitious about the 13 thing. It’s just that somewhere in my little pea-brain it’s still 2012. Or maybe 2011. But definitely not 2013.
I’ll get over it — sometime around August.
But here’s the funny thing — 2013 should be a great year! Our kids are both looking forward to big life-changes (all good!) and we’re moving to a new house — downsizing now that the kids are on their own and my parents are gone. We’re looking forward to spiffing up the new place and selling our current home.
Change is good, right?
And speaking of change, there will be some changes relative to the Chesapeake Diaries, but more about that in a minute.
First I want to talk about THE LONG WAY HOME, book #6 of the Chesapeake Diaries...
Imagine for a moment that you are the pampered daughter of a wealthy, highly successful investment broker and a one-time supermodel. You’re a success in your own right and are engaged to a guy who everyone thinks is perfect for you. You have everything. Until one day...you don’t.
The reason you don’t? Unbeknownst to you, your father — assisted by your fiancé — has been running a Ponzi-type investment scheme and has been arrested, the house of cards tumbling around them — and around you. Because all of your belongings have been purchased with funds you made while working for a company owned by your father (“fruit of the poisoned tree”), everything you own has been confiscated and all of your friends — except one — have turned their backs on you.
What do you do, where do you go, when everything you worked for — including your good name — has been taken from you?
If you’re Ellis Ryder Chapman, you retreat to the house your mother left you in St. Dennis, Maryland, a sleepy little town on the Chesapeake Bay — and you change your name.
As Ellie Ryder, you’re bound to your mother’s will which requires you to live in that house for six months, so you take your time fixing up the place and try to keep a low profile among the natives, lest anyone figure out who you really are. Everyone in town knew your mother, the late Lynley Sebastian, one of the first real supermodels - and everyone knew who Lynley’s husband was. The last thing you want is for anyone to connect you with your father, the man who cheated people out of their pensions and life savings — some of whom live right there in St. Dennis. All you really want is to live quietly for those six months so that you can sell the house and, with the proceeds, move on.
But then, you hadn’t yet met contractor Cameron O’Connor. Cam has deep secrets of his own, and a history that ties him to that house in ways you never could have imagined.
Just as you could never have imagined what else your father had kept from you...
THE LONG WAY HOME goes on sale on January 29 — I hope you love Ellie and Cam and all the residents of St. Dennis as much as I do!
Read an excerpt from THE LONG WAY HOME below.
Oh wait — I promised you changes! If you’ve been reading the Chesapeake Diaries, you know that all of the titles in the series contain the word HOME. Starting with the next book — that would be book #7 — this will no longer be true. The next book in the Chesapeake Diaries WILL NOT contain the word HOME. The title of the next book will be — drumroll, please — AT THE RIVER’S EDGE — which, frankly, I love! And look for a different cover treatment as well. Why? My publisher decided they wanted to take the series in a different direction — not the stories, but the look. So we’ll see what they come up with in terms of the covers, and I’ll post them on my Facebook page as soon as I have something.
You are following me on Facebook, aren’t you? Here you go:
Till next time — stay warm this winter!
Click here to read an excerpt from THE LONG WAY HOME, chapter one.
Click here to read an excerpt from THE LONG WAY HOME, chapter two.